L.A. OXI-200

Oxytetracycline 20%
Broad-spectrum prolonged-release antibiotic
Injectable use
100 ml, 250 ml and 500 ml bottles

Composition: each 100 ml contains 20 g of Oxytetracycline base.
Cattle and sheep: pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, carbuncle, gangrenous diseases, septicaemia, mastitis, foot rot (infectious pododermatitis), bacterial enteritis, gynaecological infections, wounds and all kind of infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to oxytetracycline.
Swine: pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, bacterial enteritis, swine erysipelas, piglet diarrhea, postpartum infections and all those infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to oxytetracycline.
Administration and dosage: by deep intramuscular (IM) injection.
Cattle, sheep and pigs: administer 1 ml per 10 kg body weight, equivalent to 20 mg of oxytetracycline per kg.
Cattle and sheep: administer into large muscle masses (neck, rump, back). If the dose exceeds 20 ml volume it is better to administer at two different sites.
Pigs: if animals exceed 100 kg body weight it is better to administer at two different sites.
Administer according to professional criteria.
Action: the oxytetracycline base along with 2-pyrrolidone combines rapid and prolonged antibiotic release giving a prompt therapeutic response for 3 to 5 days.