Prevention of relapses in downer cow syndrome
Injectable use
100 ml bottle
Composition: each 100 ml contains Calcium propionate 6.12 g, Calcium gluconate 4.45 g, Calcium chloride dihydrate 0.9 g, Calcium glutamate 1.11 g, Sodium glycerophosphate 3.6 g, Fructose 2.5 g, Glucose 5 g, Sorbitol 1 g, Magnesium hypophosphite 50 mg, Phenol 0.75 g.
Indications: to prevent relapses of downer cow syndrome, as a subsequent treatment even if the cow has responded to the specific therapy and has stood up.
Administration and dosage: by subcutaneous (SC) route.
100 ml distributed in two or three injection sites.
Administer according to professional criteria.