Internal parasiticide, endectocide for horses
Oral use
Case with 1 syringe of 10 g
Composition: each 100 g contains 1.2 g of Ivermectin.
Indications: treatment and control of endoparasites and ectoparasites in horses: Strongylus vulgaris, Oxyuris equi, Parascaris equorum, Trichostrongylus axei, Habronema, Gasterophilus, Dictyocaulus arnfieldi.
Sensitive ectoparasites include mosquitoes, tabanids and scabies-producing mites.
Administration and dosage: by oral route.
The suggested dose is 1.67 g of product per 100 kg body weight, equivalent to 200 µg ivermectin per kg body weight.
Insert the end of the cannula directly into the oral cavity. The graduated syringes have marks every 100 kg, up to 600 kg body weight.
The dose can be repeated after 3 to 4 months, depending on parasite burden and according to professional criteria.
Do not administer to stressed animals or in poor conditions.
Administer according to professional criteria.